Contact Information
- Concerned about a subject?
- Contact your subject teacher via email, OneNote or TEAMS.
- If you become unwell and unable to meet your learning targets email your subject teachers to let them know.
- Concerned about your wellbeing?
- Make sure you talk openly with your parents/caregivers and whānau.
- Consider other sources of support that are listed on the BDSC Guidance and Counselling page. If you are already working with a school counsellor, continue to communicate with them using school email during term time (email contacts are listed on the webpage). If you have immediate concern around safety of yourself or someone else, speak to a trusted adult and / or call 111 for support.
- Concerned about your health?
- Contact Healthline:
- Coronavirus related 0800 358 5453
- General Health related 0800 611 116
Further information is available here: