Our General Expectations:
- Put your health and your family first and continue to follow all Government advice in order to stay safe.
- Check your school emails at least once a day and reply if necessary.
- We will use one consistent platform (Microsoft Teams and OneNote) for sharing learning activities and one consistent platform for meet ups (Teams).
- It is essential that you continue with your learning and working towards NCEA assessments where possible.
- Remember teachers will be with their families as well so know they will respond to your emails and give feedback when they can.
- Your “attendance” and engagement will be monitored so please ensure you are taking an active role in your lessons.
Over this period of lockdown, it is vital that everyone’s wellbeing is prioritised, Learners and Staff.
You will be feeling a range of emotions and many of these emotions will be based on your previous experience in lockdown. How can you take care of your wellbeing over this second lockdown?
- Emotions – do not suppress and ignore these. Name your emotions → acknowledge why you feel this way → validate these feelings and use the emotion to motivate how you respond.
- Be active! Exercise and get out of the house every day.
- Do things that boost your mental health (happiness) and avoid things that don’t.
- Get enough sleep.
- Prioritise work and make achievable to do lists/goals.
- Stay connected to your friends and family. Share your worries → Learners get in contact with your Tutor teacher.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with your Tutor teacher to make a plan if learning from home is a challenge in any way.
Contact Information:
First point of call → contact your tutor teacher via email.
Concerned about your specialist subject → contact your subject teacher via email.
Concerned about your wellbeing → contact the Counsellors via counsellors@bdsc.school.nz. If you are already working with a BDSC Counsellor, please continue to do so remotely via the already established channels.
Concerned about your Health → contact Healthline:
- Coronavirus related 0800 358 5453
- General Health related 0800 611 116