School Board

All state and state-integrated schools in New Zealand have a School Board.

The School Board is the Crown entity responsible for the governance and the control of the management of the school. The board is the employer of all staff in the college, is responsible for setting the college’s strategic direction in consultation with parents, staff and students, and ensuring that its college provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students. Boards are also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration.

The last triennial election for the School Board resulted in the election of five parent representatives and one staff representative for the term 2022-2025. The student representative is elected by the student body on an annual basis in September each year to sit on the Board for the following year. The Principal is a full member of the Board. The Board can also co-opt members for specific projects as required.

For more information about the role of the School Board visit the New Zealand School Trustees Association website .

Board Minutes are available at Reception or upon request.

Board members welcome you contacting them.

The results of the 2022 triennial board elections are:

Parent Representatives: Lauren Albrey
Garry Larsen QSM
Ian Marshall
Vonja Young
Billy Jo Flesher-Martin
Staff Representative: Nicola Troughear
Student Representative:
(term is for one year)
Tiffany Chan

Mrs Lauren Albrey

Executive Committee, Board Chair

As a Board, we endeavour to provide the best possible environment for our students to learn and achieve their full potential. We also set goals and expectations for our staff and management team; central to this is a theme of continual improvement and of maintaining a safe, forward-thinking learning environment.

The Board in conjunction with the principal and staff also sets the strategic direction for the school and most critically this is done with input from our school community.

At Botany Downs Secondary College we are blessed with an exceptional school community. Our students are developing their knowledge and character in a number of academic and co-curricular areas and are often acknowledged nationally and even internationally.

Our school is recognised as one of New Zealand’s best schools and our aim is to provide each student with the best possible opportunity to benefit from their time at Botany Downs Secondary College.

Committee member of
  • Executive (Chair)
  • Financial Governance, Audit and Risk
  • Discipline
  • Health and Safety
  • Personnel

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