We operate a 25-period weekly timetable for delivery of the curriculum (five one-hour periods from Monday to Friday).

As a student here you can expect every opportunity to further your education.

Our college has a fantastic learning environment where everyone is encouraged to do their personal best and achieve their goals, whether they are academic or co-curricular.

We are privileged to have a wide range of subjects to choose from with English and EAL, Health and Physical Education, Languages, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, Social Sciences, Technology, and Visual and Performing Arts. All of the subjects are interesting and challenging in their own ways, providing students with a broad set of skills and knowledge by the time they leave college.

All college subjects teach students life skills such as effective communication and organisation. They teach students to be able to work in a team and achieve common goals through group projects, and competitive inter-whānau events.

Alongside so many supportive teachers, students are encouraged to learn independently and be in charge of their own education, testing themselves and working hard. All the opportunities for students are to help further themselves, do the best they can, and get the most out of their schooling years.

ExaminationsLEARN MORE 

The college has one examination period in Term 3 (Seniors) and Term 4 (Juniors) each year to provide learners with the opportunity to practise examination technique. During examinations, seniors are offered the privilege of study leave, modelling what they may be provided for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) external examinations in November/December.

This document is from a college Information Evening.

The presentation covered a diverse range of topics relating to assessment including how NCEA is provided and assessed at Botany Downs Secondary College. Key assessment processes at the college were outlined and a wide range of excellent questions was answered.


Junior, Year 9-10

Year 9: All subjects are compulsory.
Year 10: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Health and Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, and 3 option subjects.


Senior, Year 11+

Year 11: English, Mathematics, Science and 3 option subjects, plus Health and Physical Education.
Year 12: English and 5 option subjects, plus Independent Learning study period.
Year 13: 5 option subjects, plus Independent Learning study periods.


Careers and Work Experience

Providing careers education, information, advice and guidance, and supporting the Tutor Mentoring programme.



The college has one examination period in Term 3 (Seniors) and Term 4 (Juniors) each year to provide learners with the opportunity to practise examination technique.



Supporting literacy and learning across the curriculum for all levels.


Subject Information and Pathways

View our Subject Areas (we call these Learning Areas), plus information on all courses that may be offered for Level 1, 2 and 3 students.

Includes Option Books and selection guidance.


Junior, Year 9-10

Year 9: All subjects are compulsory.
Year 10: English, Mathematics and Statistics, Health and Physical Education, Science, Social Studies, and 3 option subjects.


Senior, Year 11+

Year 11: English, Mathematics, Science and 3 option subjects, plus Health and Physical Education.
Year 12: English and 5 option subjects, plus Study.
Year 13: 5 option subjects, plus Study.


Subject Information and Pathways

View our Subject Areas (we call these Learning Areas), plus information on all courses that may be offered for Level 1, 2 and 3 students.

Includes Option Books and selection guidance.



The college has one examination period in Term 3 (Seniors) and Term 4 (Juniors) each year to provide learners with the opportunity to practise examination technique.



Supporting literacy and learning across the curriculum for all levels.


Careers and Work Experience

Providing careers education, information, advice and guidance, and supporting the Tutor Mentoring programme.

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