Dr Kirsten Davis is a Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Director of The Psychology Group. She is a local mum who has extensive experience in both working therapeutically with children, adolescents and families; and in training and consulting to professionals. She is passionate about supporting the development of “emotional literacy” – the ability to observe and describe emotions and the positive impact this has on relationships and the way we experience the world.
These sessions are focused on supporting you to identify stress and worry and to find ways to build a level of resilience that involves both learning how to tolerate a level of stress or worry in everyday life, and then what to do when that level is too much and it is starting to impact daily life. The information will help you as a parent both support your child and also increase your own strategies to cope when you find daily life challenging.
Time: 6.45pm arrival for 7.00pm Start
Where: Botany Downs Secondary College
Cost: $5 cash koha/donation at the door would be appreciated