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Senior College Ball

May 4, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm


Saturday 4 May, 7pm – 11pm
The Ellerslie Event Centre

No entry permitted after 7:45 pm.

Eligibility to attend the Ball

Attending the Ball is a privilege extended to all our Y12 and Y13 students. However, we expect students to consistently demonstrate BDSC’s Our Way values of Respect, Excellence, Integrity, and Care for others. Behaviors inconsistent with these values, such as truancy, persistent lateness, and poor conduct, will not meet our standards.

Students with outstanding charges from previous years (e.g., lost textbooks, certain trips, or unreturned sports equipment) need to clear the total due before purchasing tickets. If you anticipate any issues or have queries regarding outstanding fees, please contact Mrs O’Shaughnessy at the Finance Centre. She will assist you in resolving the situation or setting up a payment plan.

Inviting Partners from outside our school community

Year 12 and 13 students wishing to bring a partner from outside BDSC may apply to do so. Download the Outside Partner Ball Invitation form from Botany 365 at the following link: https://mybdscschool.sharepoint.com/SitePages/Senior%20Ball.aspx

Forms must be completed by Friday 8 March, and returned to Mrs Clark at Level 2 Reception before tickets go on sale. All applications will be vetted, and approval will be granted after contacting parents. Students can collect their signed forms from Wednesday 13 March.

Note: If the partner is a former BDSC student, entry may be refused for outstanding fees or failure to demonstrate our school values. Partners must be Y12 or above.

Ticket Sales

Tickets will be available at the Finance Centre from Wednesday 13 March, and sales close on Thursday 28 March. Tickets cost $120.00 each.

Lay-by facilities are available with a minimum deposit of $35 to secure a ticket, with full payment required by Thursday 28 March. Students must present their student ID and signed Code of Conduct form (downloaded from our Botany 365 page – see link above) to purchase a ticket. Tickets will be issued on Friday 3 May, after our Ball assembly.

Venue Safety

The Senior Leadership team, teachers, and onsite security will attend. Students are not allowed to leave the building before the conclusion of the Ball.

College rules apply during the evening, including for outside partners. Security will check bags, pockets, and jackets for contraband (the venue management prohibits chewing gum, lip gloss, and mints). Non-compliance with the BDSC Code of Conduct may result in the Principal asking the student and partner to leave without a refund, with further disciplinary action as required.

Students cannot have any alcohol before the night. If alcohol is detected, parents will be called to collect their child, and a breathalyser will be used at entry.

No pre- or post-ball functions are authorized by the College. Parents should be aware of their child’s transport arrangements to and from the Ball. Please ensure a safe departure by midnight, as college staff also need to make their way home to whānau.

Contact a member of the Senior Leadership team with any queries.


              May 4, 2024
              7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
              Event Category:


              Ellerslie Event Centre
              80 Ascot Ave
              Auckland, Remuera 1051 New Zealand
              +64 9-524 4069

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