Students Celine Dam and Hao Chen Li had great success following the Shakespeare’s Globe New Zealand 2018 National University of Otago Sheilah Winn Festival, held in Wellington on 31 May – 4 June 2018.
Celine Dam 13D9, Deputy Head Girl, was awarded the Del’Monte-Aberhart award for her performance in a supporting role in the BDSC 15-minute Macbeth extract directed by Head of Drama Jacqueline Hood.
Hao Chen Li 13J5, former Board of Trustees Student Representative, was chosen by the selectors of the National Schools Shakespeare Production (NSSP) for his performance in the BDSC 15-minute Macbeth extract directed by Head of Drama Jacqueline Hood. Hao Chen is one of only 46 performers and two technical students selected from the whole country. The NSSP is a week-long ‘live-in’ theatre intensive in which the students from all over New Zealand work on abridged versions of three different Shakespeare plays with three renowned directors culminating in two public performances. NSSP takes place in the holidays after Term 3. From this highly talented group of 48 students, 24 are then chosen to form the SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company, which travels to the Globe in 2019.
Former students, Pippa Neels, first Head Girl of the school and currently working in theatre production in the United Kingdom, and Kaitlin Mahar, a recent graduate, were both NSSP performers. Kaitlin performed in the 2016 NSSP and was selected to go to the Globe as part of SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company in 2017.